January 14, 2015


上星期,在法國以諷刺、寸嘴、bad taste、賤格為名的《查理週刊》每期印六萬份,不算主流。遇襲後一週,五百萬份,全被掃光;而且立即翻譯成六個語言,賣往國外。因《查理》事件而漣漪的巨響,相信連槍手都估計不了。 (延伸閱讀:BBC所載,那狂亂恐怖的巴黎三天始末)

全世界在社交網絡高呼「Je suis Charlie」的人,千千萬萬,歐洲多國政更齊集法國、紛紛上街,以聲援言論自由、抗拒恐怖打壓。

Je suis Charlie 這句,我自己是說不出的。「我是」喎,等同自己的存在,何其言重!(雖然,Je suis 也可以是 I follow 的意思,法文 suivre (follow) 的第一身單數的 conjugasion就是suis。我甚至懷疑,其實這slogan的原意是以後者為甚!)* 在出事後一小時,一位法國記者在TWITTER上打出#jesuischarlie 這句hashtag,以表無言。

大題: Tout est pardonné (All is forgiven ; 一切都被寬恕了),「寬恕」,

看到 Pardonner  一詞,心一酸。既然「寬恕」是世上主要宗教的中心思想,為什麼我們沒有彼此寬恕了? 如果這「寬恕」一詞,在事發前出現,起碼,世界上還有十二條人命,好好的在世上;有權去愛、有權被愛⋯⋯ 
內容是什麼?我當然沒買到,其實也不會買。皆因 Charlie Hebdo的bad taste,不是人人項得順!(我沒有精神潔癖的,拿,我是 LIKE 100毛的 ! 開政治、時弊的玩笑,跟褻瀆宗教,是兩回事。)

根據 Le Figaro 的簡述,最新一期《查理一貫的乞鬼人憎、賤格到秘!


「因為我哋⋯⋯ 銷量終於終於⋯⋯升!」

«Dessinateur à Charlie Hebdo, c'est 25 ans de boulot. Terroriste, c'est 25 secondes de boulot. Terroriste, un métier de feignant et de branleur.»



God Bless, Charlie.

Message from Medjugorje, Jan 2 2015

"Dear children, I am here among you as a mother who desires to help you to come to know the truth. While I lived your life on earth I had knowledge of the truth, and by this alone, a piece of Heaven on earth. That is why I desire the same for you, my children. The Heavenly Father desires pure hearts filled with the knowledge of the truth. He desires for you to love all those whom you meet, because I also love my Son in all of you. This is the beginning of coming to know the truth. Many false truths are being offered to you. You will overcome them with a heart cleansed by fasting, prayer, penance and the Gospel. This is the only truth and it is the truth which my Son left you. You do not need to examine it much. What is asked of you, as I also have done, is to love and to give. My children, if you love, your heart will be a home for my Son and me, and the words of my Son will be the guiding light in your life. My children, I will make use of you, apostles of love, to help all of my children to come to know the truth. My children, I have always prayed for the Church of my Son, and so I also ask the same of you. Pray that your shepherds may come to shine forth with the love of my Son. Thank you."